9AM | 10:30AM | 12PM in the Kid's Building
Have your child join us Sunday mornings for Kid services, which include worship, Bible teachings, games, activities, and more! It is here that we aim to build a foundation of faith for kids from birth to 5th grade.
7PM in the Kids Building
4th and 5th graders are invited to join us for Club45 on Tuesdays nights from 7pm-8:30pm in B205. Every week we have a game, worship, teaching and small groups! Tuesdays are a great way for kids to grow deeper in their faith with other kids their age!
Sundays, VBS, Special Events and More
WACC Kids is always looking for servant-hearted leaders to volunteer with children. These ministry roles range from working directly with kids to helping behind the scenes. We have a role for you! If interested, click on the following tabs to learn more and to register.
For first time families, we want to welcome you at our "Welcome Lemonade Stand" located on the lower patio in between the A Building (Community Center) and B Building (WACC Kids Building). It is here that we can get things ready for you before you drop off your kids. We will have you fill out a registration card, get your child's name tags printed, and show you where to go next.
If our lemonade stand is not out for whatever reason, come inside one of the WACC Kids entrances of the Kids Building and we will do all the above at one of our check-in stations.
Please email us if you have any questions