In a time when churches are losing credibility in our culture, our world needs to see true, active faith that makes a difference for good. How do you live out such an authentic, visible faith? Join us for a series where we will study one of the most practical letters in the entire Bible to learn together about "the good" that faith in Jesus should always bring.

Week 1 - Faith Under Fire

What does it look like to have Good Faith in the midst of trails? Following Jesus doesn't grant us a pass from dealing with the hardships and pressures of life, but following Jesus changes our perspective and produces a tested and true faith.

Week 2 - Mirroring God’s Goodness

Jesus told his disciples “let your light shine” with the intention that others would see it and give glory to God. Good Faith is a faith that is a mirror of the light and goodness and grandeur of God within a dark world. An influential faith is one that listens patiently, is lived out practically, and looks after vulnerable people personally.

Week 3 - Seeing A Deeper Value

Good faith is put on display in how we see and welcome others. Sometimes the barrier keeping others from Jesus isn’t spiritual, but it’s us. What does it look like as a community of faith to welcome every person with kindness, dignity and mercy?


Week 4 - Real Faith Produces Real Action

This week we look at James’ teaching on the relationship between faith and works. We respond in faith to the work of Jesus and then we are given His Holy Spirit that dwells within us and prompts to continue in His good works.  The fruit of our faith is found in the actions we produce. Each of us are called to do good works that impact and shape every place and each person within our circles.

Week 5 - What Good Faith Sounds Like

We have talked about what good faith looks like, but James now turns to the question of what does good faith sound like? Proverbs says that the tongue has the power of life and death. Does your speech give life or does it crush the spirit of another? Your words matter. If we are going to show what good faith sounds like, we must have a transformation of the heart.

Week 6 - Wisdom From Above

Who is wise and understanding among you? This week in James we continue studying on his teaching of the fruit of our faith being lived out. This week we look at wisdom and how that is practiced. Wisdom from above is practiced in three ways: Embodying our Faith, Discerning Warring Wisdoms, and Sowing Peace as a Practice.

Week 7 - Freedom From Fighting

It seems like no matter where you look, whether its in the sports stands, social media, family get-togethers, or even inside the church, there are plenty of escalated disagreements. Most of the time our quarrels are due to things that may be lacking within us. In this message we look at what’s at the heart of our quarrels and how we can assess our hearts and set our sights finding our identity in God.

Week 8 - It's All Grace

We make plans all the time. What are some of the things to consider as you make plans for tomorrow and the future? In this message we look at some things we must be aware of when we plan and how to know that we will be successful or find ourselves in troubled water.

Week 9 - The Paper Trail of Real Faith

What happens when wealth and finances are placed at the center of your life? We look at James warning and the dangers that arise when we place money where Jesus should occupy. How do we reorient material and temporary things in our lives so that we can be a blessing to others.

Week 10 - A Patient Faith

How do you remain patient in a time of pain? God is always working even if we don’t see it or he doesn’t match our expectations. We are reminded that we aren’t just waiting on God, but we are waiting with God and that our perseverance is profitable.

Week 11 - A Praying Faith

Prayer is such an important tool we have when it comes to connecting with God. So what does it look like to have a successful prayer life? In this message we discover what are some practical steps and keys to remember when considering when and how we pray.

Week 12 - A Good Community

You were meant to live in community. There is goodness, grace, strength and provision found when we have a good community around us to walk through life together.